Are backstories misnamed?

I’ve written a lot about backstories in my time.

In fact, I even wrote a guide to easily writing backstories you, the other players and your GM will love. It’s called Unboring Backstories and you can see how it lives up to the name for yourself.

But while thinking about great and terrible backstories I’ve read…

And how some players freak out at the thought of writing a story for their character…

And how easy it is to put too much or too little thought into it…

… I realised that the name is misleading. I actually don’t care if you come up with a backstory before the first session or you let it unfold as you play.

What I, as a GM, want to know, is:

Character details - name, race, class, stats, things like that.

The character’s vibe. Are they dark and brooding? Goofy and slapstick? Saying they’re serious isn’t enough, given that could describe a lovestruck, noble princess or a demonic edgelord.

Some story hooks that are fun, interesting and flexible. You can write them out in a numbered list if you want.

That’s it, really. That’s less of a story and more of a blurb. If you like writing stories, then fill your boots - but make sure it includes all those details. You might even separate those and add them up front - your GM will probably extract those details anyway.

This is easier for you and for your GM. No need to overthink anything.


Next Gen Princes 04: Around Glowvein


The Story of Starcraft Part 22: Wings of Liberty: The Spectre Missions