Are backstories misnamed?
Feel overwhelmed about writing a backstory? Not sure what to include? I don’t blame you - I blame the term for it.
Divine inner conflict
What happens when two warring tribes worship the same god? In a fantasy setting, things can get weird.
Strategic communications of the gods
How do powerful beings spread their messages? Why do bards have magic powers? What if both questions have the same answer?
Surreal weather
Want to inject some mundane fantasy into your setting? Don’t neglect the weather. Here are a few ideas.
QQ&A: Dwindling resources
Do you track ammo? Rather than counting the arrows in your quiver or having an infinite supply, there’s a richer way to track resources of any kind.
What a weird island and a Depression-era supernatural battle can teach you about character design
Intelligence isn’t random. Bad writers try to make their aliens exotic behind a layer of randomness, but you can usually smell that on them. The AMAM Model is a better approach.
3 DIY Disasters
Want to build your own catastrophe? Something that spans kingdoms and will really mess things up? Here’s how Footprints can help.
QQ&A: Playing as the Secret Service
Want to put the party on protection duty? Here’s how to stop it being a boring, passive wait for the action to come to them.
Magic microaggressions are boring
Is your worldbuilding boring? There are two common traps - thinking all races are the same and thinking all members of a race are the same. Here’s the much, much better approach.
How the void thinks
Let’s say you want to create a species of space-faring clouds of dust. Great – I’m intrigued so far. How do you not mess up the next step of figuring out how they’ll think and behave?
Unboring clerics: crazed lunatics who don’t care about you
Think clerics are priests with big hammers? You’re wrong. Their character build implies they’re warped, nihilistic and on the border of madness.
Unboring urchins: more than thieves and victims
Living on the street takes wits and courage. If you want urchins in your setting with more agency than tragic orphans and more to offer than basic thieves, check this out.
QQ&A: Stopping Insight Check Spamming
Rolling Insight on everyone is a dull, tedious way to play. It also makes sense, so how do you stop players from doing it?
Unboring quest-givers: More than notice boards
What do you do when the classic tropes aren’t fun anymore? Rather than having the mysterious old wizard tell the PCs what to do, why not do this?
QQ&A: How to create and remember NPC names
Coming up with NPC names should be easy, so why isn’t it? And how do you remember names you come up with on the fly?
Unboring priests: more than rez dispensers
Priests are spiritual leaders in a world where gods create real miracles. What sort of person would go into that line of work?
QQ&A: What’s a better currency than coins?
Tracking gold and minor purchases is boring and pointless busywork. What’s a better alternative to gold pieces?
Unboring bards: more than playa characters
Bards are… well, you know. Some adventurers travel, while others get around. Here’s a surprising way to make them more fun to play while fitting better into the world.
The broken fae formula
If I asked you to design a new fae race, what would you come up with? Forget their physical traits and focus on their minds. If you take the boring, obvious path, you’re not alone - but here’s how to do better.
Unboring merchants: more than vending machines
Merchants can be more than just talking storefronts for players. But they don’t need elaborate backstories. Here are four variables to build your merchants with, based on how they run their businesses.