Unboring Dungeons

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Improv 8: The Full Improv Process

We’ve covered everything I do when I need to improvise an encounter.

First, I consider the context and the environment. What types of things could happen here? What would make sense and what would just be weird?

Second, I decide how the encounter will feel. Am I going for easy or difficult? Horrifying or empowering? A simple brawl or a twisted mindscrew?

Third, I assemble my forces. With all that in mind, I put together a squad of NPCs, maybe with some traps or hazards around.

Fourth, I take someone from this encounter and give them some personality. What makes them unique? What makes them alive?

That’s more than enough to build an encounter. Could you do more? Sure, if you had the time – but if you’re improvising an encounter, you don’t. This will allow you to put together encounters that feel planned, in just a few seconds.

It’s simple, it’s lightweight – above all, it’s fast.

From there, you have this beautiful encounter ready to go. You don’t throw it at the party, though. Give at least a little foreshadowing – it’s more fun and it makes it feel planned. Tease what’s about to happen.

If they trigger the encounter, then run it, making tweaks as you need to.

If they don’t, you can let the idea go, you could move it down the line or you could let that decision to avoid it follow them around for a while.

And that’s it.

With practice, you can get good and fast with this. I rarely prep for my sessions anymore – when I do, it’s usually because I choose to, not because I have to.

You could run entire campaigns like this without it feeling stale. It’s a flexible and engaging formula. You don’t have to, though. If you want, you could keep this in your pocket for emergencies, only using it when the party goes off the path.

Use it as much or as little as you want.

Either way, it’s more fun knowing they can never faze you – no matter how unforeseen their wacky plan is.

That’s the end of this workshop – a new one will start next time. If you liked this series, you can thank me by telling folks about it, signing up to my email list or buying one of my products.