Magic microaggressions are boring

All elves are wise, all orcs are warlike and all dwarves value honour.

That’s how it goes in many science fiction and fantasy settings - each race is nothing but a stereotype. Stars Wars and Trek both do it, Tolkien did it, so maybe you should too.

Or maybe this is your rare chance to be better than those franchises.

Besides, it’s 2022. Aren’t you afraid of getting hashtag cancelled for your hashtag racist hashtag microaggressions?

“All dwarves value honour” is boring. It’s also not realistic and it walls off creative possibilities.

But it’s a mistake to go too far the other way. “Orcs, dwarves and elves are just like humans!” is even more boring than leaning on racial stereotypes.

Why have different races if they’re not, you know, different?

Call of the Gods neatly resolves this.

Each race can be different without making each individual an interchangeable stereotype.

When you use the AMAM model - as described in that guide - you can come up with racial personality traits that make sense. You can also create unique individuals within those races.

If you’re sick of your exotic species and cultures not being exotic enough…

Or if you’re sick of them boiling down to a few common traits…

… then Call of the Gods will inject some life, variety and realism into your settings.

Whether you’re a GM, a writer or a xenoanthropologist, you’ll get great value from this:


The happy roleplaying medium


Improv 1: The Overall Process