Unboring half-orcs: more than civilised brutes

Ah, the half-orc - for when you want to dip your toes in savagery, without going fully wild.

They make for great characters. The conflict between civilisation and brutality is right there in the name. Other people will view them with prejudice - humans will see them as thugs, while orcs will see them as weak.

There’s drama oozing from their every green pore.

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s Planet of Hats, where every member of a species has is the same. Half-orcs are no exception. When you’re designing a half-orc character, don’t just consider who they are. Also consider how they came to be.

Under what conditions would a human and orc ever get together and make a baby?

This isn’t an exhaustive article, but it provides a good spread of options.

Borderer Half-orcs

Consider people who grow up near a nation’s border. Unlike those who live closer to the heart, they’ll almost be people of two worlds. They’ll know both nation’s customs and languages. They’ll carry both currencies in their wallets.

It all sounds rather enlightened, really.

Only, of course, if those two nations are relatively friendly with each other.

Parts of the real world had hostile kingdoms sharing a border for generations. Neither could conquer the other - not for long, at least - but that didn’t stop them trying.

Think of places like England and Scotland before they fell under one rule.

Living on the border meant living with constant violence. Between the frequent invasions, marauders would sneak over the border to murder and pillage. Farmers in these parts were often battle-hardened warriors who enjoyed having the chance to crack some skulls.

Think of a soldier who lives for war and grows restless during peace.

Others were folks who, even if they didn’t enjoy the violence, were certainly used to it.

These people fought for everything they have, fight to defend it and can never let their guard down. They’re independent, tough and resourceful. After all, they can’t rely on some distant militia to protect their families. They had to do it themselves.

That’s the real world.

Now imagine the same situation, but with humans and orcs.

Farmers and hunters living on the fringes of human territory had to be hard as mithril. If they bordered on orc territory, then battles were inevitable. There was no escaping it - any peace would be temporary.

These humans had to be tough - not by human standards, but by orcs’. No one else would last long out there.

Not every interaction between the humans and orcs would be violent. Some might come to see each other with respect, even friendship. Others might see the appeal of living on the other side of the border.

There are many ways a human and orc could have a baby together.

Growing up in a borderer family, a half-orc like you would be strong and self-reliant. You’d fight from a young age. Any game that didn’t risk losing teeth would be boring to you.

By the time you reached adulthood - which makes you one of the lucky ones - you’d be tough, scarred and always ready to fight.

You might enjoy this existence. You might dream of a peaceful life, even as you struggle to cope with it.

Either way, a lifetime of constant war has shaped you into a mighty warrior.

How do other folks react to you?

From the scars on your skin to the look in your eye, it’s obvious you’ve seen a lot of action.

Anyone who doubted that would soon learn their mistake. You wouldn’t like to show weakness. Any insult or threat is a challenge you can’t back down from.

You are the stereotypical half-orc - violent, resilient and dismissive of social conventions. The only law you adhere to is the pack: you’ll do what you want. Anyone who wants to stop you better be able to back that up.

Refugee Half-orcs

Humans would have to be desperate to flee into orcish lands.

It must happen often, then.

Whether escaping war, disease, famine, bandits, authority or natural disasters, farmers might have to abandon their homes and escape into the wilds.

Few would last long. It’s not easy to make that change, even without orcs to contend with.

It’s possible the humans will be strong enough to hold their own. More likely, the humans survive by being useful to the orcs. Maybe they have skills they need, from blacksmithing to magic. Maybe they barter for their lives.

Then again, they might end up being slaves to the orcs.

Born from this turbulent mixing of cultures, you live closer to your orcish nature than your human side. You live nomadically, either as part of an orc clan or alongside them.

Your parents remember life in the kingdom and maybe dream of returning. For you, though, this is the only life you’ve known.

Orcs won’t respect your weak human blood. If you prove your worth to them, it has to be by being tougher and pushing yourself harder, or by doing things they can’t. For example, you might meet their strength with agility, cunning or magic.

Then again, maybe you can’t match the orcs. You grow up knowing you’re lesser than they are - a second-rate warrior.

How do other folks react to you?

The lifestyle of the nomadic clans makes sense to you.

Civilisation, not so much. Even if you learn the rules and customs, your instincts still pull you into making faux pas.

You are an outlander - a child of the savage wilds.

People far from the cities might respect your skills and connection to nature. Among civilised people, though, you’ll be nothing better than a curiosity.

Migrant Half-orcs

Orcs might migrate to the towns for many reasons.

Their clan might exile them.

Maybe their clan no longer exists, with them being the last few survivors.

It could be a choice. They see merchants selling wares and living in houses, and know that’s the life for them.

In any case, it will be difficult - different from the challenges they’re used to facing. Prejudices, disease, unknown laws and strange customs are all enemies you can’t fight with fists.

They can make it work, though.

A half-orc born to a parent like this will be more human than orc. You’ll grow up in civilisation, distant from the roaming clans of their ancestors.

You might use your strength to your advantage. If you do, you’ll quickly learn your natural advantages aren’t enough. Someone with training, weapons or the law on their side can take you down.

How do other folks react to you?

Wild orcs will see you as worse than weak. To them, you’ll be civilised - the child of an orc who couldn’t handle the real world.

Humans won’t be much kinder. Some would see you as brainless, savage scum. You’ll remind others of the horrors orcs have inflicted on these lands.

Earning basic decency, let alone respect, from people will be tough at times.

You might compensate with extra calm, compassion and civility. Or you might lean into how they see you.

The most likely people to treat you well are other outsiders. If you want acceptance from the mainstream and the influential, you’ll have to work extra hard.

When I say “you”, I mean your half-orc character, of course.

Learning how to make your character interesting, though?

Why, that couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is read and apply Unboring Backstories - my guide to creating characters that are unique, interesting and fun to play.

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