ChatGPT is impressive. It summarised psychoneuroimmunology for me, while also creating poems glorifying stoicism. But can it help with your campaign prepping?
QQ&A: Pitching puzzles
How do you design a puzzle that’s not too easy and not too hard, but just right? That’s far simpler than you might think.
QQ&A: Control freak GMing
Can you be a control freak and a great GM? The conventional wisdom is no. Here’s how that wisdom might be wrong.
QQ&A: Dwindling resources
Do you track ammo? Rather than counting the arrows in your quiver or having an infinite supply, there’s a richer way to track resources of any kind.
QQ&A: Overwhelm
Game Masters have a lot to keep track of. That means it’s easy for the players to overwhelm them, deliberately or otherwise. Here’s the mature way to stop that.
QQ&A: Splitting the party
Hardcore players get “Never split the party” tattooed on their sleeves, and for good reason. Here’s how and why you might encourage them to do it anyway.
QQ&A: Levelling’s ludonarrative “lunacy”
Is this a problem? Of course not. And here’s the solution.
QQ&A: Simulating Stupidity
Today, I share a simple algorithm I often use when running encounters. It mixes up the fights and (usually) lets the players feel smart, cool and professional.
QQ&A: Balancing a party
What does a GM need to do to balance a party? Depending on the situation, either something or nothing. Here’s how to tell the difference.
QQ&A: Dealing with attention hogs
D&D is a social game, so what happens when one person sucks all the attention (and maybe even air) from the room?
QQ&A: Playing as the Secret Service
Want to put the party on protection duty? Here’s how to stop it being a boring, passive wait for the action to come to them.
QQ&A: Faster combat
I get peeved with turn-based games in general, D&D in particular. If you’re sick of encounters feeling more like chess and less like battle, read this.
QQ&A: Preparing for Adventure!
How do wise GMs prepare? By doing the opposite of these two common mistakes - mistakes that take more time and make your role harder.
QQ&A: Improving the tragic backstory
“… and now I’m on a quest for vengeance,” ends so many PC backstories. The bit before that can be interesting, compelling and horrifying… or boring cruft. Here’s how to make it better.
QQ&A: Invisible NPCs
When an NPC turns invisible, GMs could get lazy, mean or fair. You can probably guess which one I lean towards.
QQ&A: Stopping Insight Check Spamming
Rolling Insight on everyone is a dull, tedious way to play. It also makes sense, so how do you stop players from doing it?
QQ&A: The forgotten 5e rule
Intimidation rolls don’t make sense… in most other systems. If you’re sick of your brainless killbot failing to intimidate people, you need to remember this rule.
QQ&A: How to create and remember NPC names
Coming up with NPC names should be easy, so why isn’t it? And how do you remember names you come up with on the fly?
QQ&A: What’s a better currency than coins?
Tracking gold and minor purchases is boring and pointless busywork. What’s a better alternative to gold pieces?
QQ&A: How do you make whips cool?
The whip is awesome on paper, but mechanically pathetic. Besides bumping the stats, what can we do to make it worth using?